
juergenal avatar image
juergenal asked

Frequency shifting on the Multiplus 2

Good Morning all,

I have a multiplus system 10k in 3 phase coupling. Consumers and micro-inverters from Enphase are connected to AC-Out 1. I am at home in Germany with VDE 4105 on the public network. Since I got over the 25KwP limit, I had to install a ripple control receiver that should regulate the whole thing from the energy supplier if necessary. Since the surplus regulation unfortunately only works in conjunction with Fronius, I cannot use it. Is there a way, despite being connected to the public network, to control the network behind the Multiplus 2 via frequency control with Modbus TCP? Since the Enphase Microinverters have been given a special grid profile, they follow the frequency.

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1 Answer
russ avatar image
russ answered ·

I don't believe there is anyway to do this. In on grid working, the input and output are connected, so they must have the same frequency.

Its only in grid fail the pass through relay opens and the frequency on the output is controlled by the multi.

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