
finalshare avatar image
finalshare asked

Multiplus 48/5000 DC overvoltage


i have an 48/5000 and a Cerbo.

i Hooked them up to my Workbench to Configure everything (as done many times before)

i have a 50 Volt Power Supply instead of batteries.

Now it had Some Fault and sent 100 Volts DC into the Multi and Cerbo.. both units are dead.

i can't find any blown up component inside.

i can Solder Pretty good, can anyone point me to a possible fault that occurred or do i need to Face 2.000$ in Dead Units.

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Most probably the inverter could be repaired with a new control board, but the cerbo will most certainly require replacement.

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