
micmak avatar image
micmak asked

Quattro charge current under Charger tab


I have a Quattro 8000 connected to BYD LVS batteries, total of 32kWh capacity. PV is AC coupled and grid is sometimes used to charge when available. I downloaded the settings done by the installer from the Quattro and saw the charge current set to 82A (number 10 in the below example, not my image, forgot to take a screenshot):


Does this value limit both AC and PV charging? The Quattro 8k can support up to 110A, so can I safely bump it to 100A? I feel my PV output is limited by this value, and I am sure my AC charging capability is limited by it. I see the battery charged at 82A max.

If the above is sane and safe, what's the easiest way to change this value? Can I change it in VE Configure I downloaded and reupload it and that's it? I've never done this before, and my installer is a bit unresponsive :)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


That setting only affects what is used from grid for charging. So ideally you actually don't want it up higher. As most would rather charge from PV.

The settings that really matter are the ones done on the GX device (dvcc). And if the BYD has comms with the GX will control what the PV gives it in charge anyway.

You can also check what the BYD is requesting from the system under the BYD itself in the device list. Byd - parameters. CVL CCL etc.

You can check the important settings here.

It is possible to remote ve configure it. There are a few things you need to be aware of, one of them is to switch off your AC PV unit while you are doing it.

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micmak avatar image micmak commented ·
Thank you for confirming it’s grid only. I still need it higher though during summer. Here is my scenario.

During summer, I use my battery bank down to 30% each night, and my PV cannot handle the daily load + charging batteries. This is mainly driven by air conditions. Grid on the other hand is very cheap, but it’s there 0-4 hours per day. The extra 1kwh I get from changing 82 to 100 will make a difference in my case. BYD BMU is reporting to the GX that it can accept 512A of charging current.

I have a plan to add a DC coupled setup to my existing AC coupled setup, with more panes to cover my summer needs (+ redundancy, etc…). This will take some time.

But for now, increasing the grid charging current is a good option for me, if the 100A is a safe setting for the Quattro, and if I don’t mess up the change procedure:)

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ micmak commented ·

Setting to the 100A should be fine.

Just remember your input current limit will also affect the charging and loads support and the battery SOC in case of grid faliure.

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micmak avatar image micmak micmak commented ·

Hi again @Alexandra,

I did the change this morning to 100A instead of 82A, and I am seeing an increase in charging current even through PV. Grid is offline for the past 24 hours, and I see PV was limited yesterday to 75-82A while today I am reaching 100A (cloudy day, hence the ups and downs):


I guess this parameter limits both PV and AC sources?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ micmak commented ·


Hmmm. As far as I am aware it only it affects grid charging. I guess in theory the AC PV is grid so maybe being Bidirectional then it is possible?

I have never had that effect before though.

It is possible your pv is producing more in its peaks today. Or your loads in general are lower.

The other possible limit for system charging is in DVCC on the GX.

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micmak avatar image micmak Alexandra ♦ commented ·
You're right. I had a couple of clear days and the PV output or charging current is still the same, and not affected by this change. I went back in history and I noticedd that on cloudy days, I get higher peaks than usual while clouds are passing. This led me to the wrong conclusion
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micmak avatar image micmak Alexandra ♦ commented ·

negative on both, it's quite cloudy today while it was crystal clear yesterday. My loads are usual, I wasn't even at home yesterday compared to today. Here's the graph for 7 days. The trend for today is higher current, but more data is needed. I will monitor for few days.


I just checked my GX, DVCC isn't configured to limit current.

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