
chainmaster avatar image
chainmaster asked

multiplus easy sample config files

Are there any sample config files for multis/Easys/Quattros availiable?

When unboxing these items they are preconfigured for predominant AC-input.

Meaning whenever grid is on the whole system is running on grid and the batteries are charged by grid.

As one of the Solar guys I am working from the opposite site.

My main goal is to use as little AC-mains as possible but running the systems almost only on solar power.

So I need a configuration file that switches AC-input ON only when the batteries are at critical low state for just charging the batteries until te sun is shining again.

Does anybody have a basic sample configutation file like this that I could use to flash a brand new Multi/Easy/Quattro. The finetuning may be done later but the basic system should be up.

I made up a config but dont know if it will be working correct because its summertime here and everything is running on solar :-)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
jc2010 avatar image
jc2010 answered ·

What you are asking for sounds very close to the default parameters of a multiplus-2.

If you configure your ESS with:
Menu > Settings > ESS > Mode > Optimized (with BatteryLife)
Menu > Settings > ESS > BatteryLife state > Self-consumption

This should achieve what you are asking for.

You can simulate Winter hours with a cover or long pole casting a shadow over your panels if they are reachable or by isolating them earlier than sun down.

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chainmaster avatar image
chainmaster answered ·

thank you, your idea might work somewhere but....

Easysolar and Multiplus 2 both say ----> no ESS assistant found <

so we need an other solution.

Your idea with shading the panels is good and we had two cloudy days where i colud follow the battery power online.

To cut it short my self made config doesnt seem to do the job propperly :-((

The battery voltage dropped far down and i wanted the AC-input to recharge the battery when the battery goes critically low.

but it didnt. AC did not switch on and some hours later it resumed by solar power.

obviously my config is not done right i will have to some make it better.

thats why i was asking for a sample config file to start from :-))

does anybody from the solar-guys have a working config at hand that i could use as starting point?

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·
ESS assistant is installed/configured by you.

But first read the manuals. There are various aspects you must be aware of.

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chainmaster avatar image
chainmaster answered ·

Thank you. Finally i managed to configure at least one Multiplus with this ESS assistant.

On VRM it looks a bit weired but i might get used to it. Right now this Multi has no AC right now and i will see if it works whe everything is wired propperly.

If its going OK i will copy this confing to the Easys

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