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gunnarh asked

SmartSolar 100/15 doesn't find sunset/sunrise

So have been running a SmartSolar 100/15 for a couple of weeks now, and it fails to sync with sunset/sunrise. I originally powered it on at 3pm day one, and since then it creates a new "day" in the history graph every day at 3pm. So it somehow believes that 3pm is "midnight".

I have three panels in serial, so total daytime panel voltage seen by the controller is about 75V. As I'm above the arctic circle, the nightime voltage during summertime never goes below 30V, so I can understand that the controller has some difficulty in detecting sunset/sunrise. On the other hand, the (old) MpptPrefs description states:

"When mpptprefs stores the settings it sends the local time of the PC to the MPPT charger. The charger will use this time for 5 days, this bridges the time the charger needs to synchronize with the solar activity."

I would assume that the same should happen when I configure the controller by the VictronConnect app as well, but seems not? I guess I could possibly stay awake until midnight, then power cycle the controller, and presumably it would then switch to a new day at about the right time?

Anyway, when checking the manual, there are settings for "Streetlight" where you can change the thresholds for sunset/sunrise. But as I'm not going to use the Streetlight function, it seems not obvious to me that these would also affect when the controller switches day in the history graph?

So my question is: Would raising the sunset/sunrise thresholds under the Streetligh menu also affect the controller's general understanding of "midnight" (even if the Streetlight function is disabled)? If so, that could solve my problem (although then very strange that these sunset/sunrise settings are not placed on a general controller level, but hidden inside the Streetlight function)...

The manual also states "The sunrise detection voltage must be 0.5V higher than the sunset detection level". This seems strange, as there are separate settings for sunset and sunrise (in my view it would suffice with only a single sunset setting and then sunrise is automatically sunset+0.5)? Or maybe it means that the sunrise must be at least 0.5V higher than the sunset voltage?

Obviously I could experiement myself and see what happens, but the installation is in a remote area, so I would rather have a good clue about possible options before I arrive there next time. I guess that I could also activate the Streetlight function if needed, I assume it doesn't harm as I have nothing connected to the output pins...

MPPT Controllers
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