
stefano avatar image
stefano asked

bmv 700 and solar panel

Goodmornign everyone,

I have a problem, the bmv 700 doesn't displays the incoming A (Ampere) from the solar panel, but it displays the A coming from 220W. Do i have to reset the bmv? What can i do to solve the problem? Thank you so much.

Have a great day

BMV Battery Monitor
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

I dont understand the question fully

what do you mean Display the A coming from 220W

I have a problem, the bmv 700 doesn't displays the incoming A (Ampere) from the solar panel, but it displays the A coming from 220W. Do i have to reset the bmv? What can i do to solve the problem? Thank you so much.

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3 Answers
stefano avatar image
stefano answered ·

La bmv mi legge l'amper in ingresso a 220v ma non quelli in ingresso dal pannello solare

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

I tried to use Google Translate, but it still doesn't make any sense.
Also what is the 220 reading? Is it W or V?
Sorry, it's a bit difficult to understand the problem well.

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stefano avatar image stefano wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Grazie per la vostra pazienza, la corrente 220 è quella della casa che passa dal caricabatterie e la vedo sul BMV, ma non vedo la corrente proveniente dal pannello solare, quindi non so mai quando carica la batteria

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ stefano commented ·

I think there is some confusion with equipment. It is impossible for BMV to see 220V from the house. It can only measure battery.

Do you maybe mean CCGX? Maybe it will be better if you can show a photograph?

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stefano avatar image stefano wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
No, volevo dire che il BMV mostra gli ampere che carica da 220 volt e non quelli che ricarica dal pannello solare
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ stefano commented ·

Aha! Now it makes some more sense!

So you have 220V charger and then solar charger also.

How did you connect the solar charger to the battery? It seems like current from the solar charger is not going through the shunt resistor.

Can you make a photograph of the connections on the shunt resistor?

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stefano avatar image stefano wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, I also think that the problem is about the implant.. sorry i didn't tell you but that this problem is on my camper.. Tomorrow I will take the photos and post it for you.

Again thank you a lot

Good night

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stefano avatar image stefano wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Good morning! You are right, the solar charger isn't connected at the shunt resistor. Do i have to connect the charger at the shunt resistor and than at the battery? Thank you

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

remove the brown wire from the battery and place it on the shunt as indicated

for that matter ALL the small brown wires should ALL be going to the shunt as indicated, not just the solar wire

you should ONLY have the one Neg cable going from the shunt to the battery

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stefano avatar image stefano commented ·
Buon giorno, tutto ok, funziona perfettamente, grazie mille e buona giornata
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ stefano commented ·

Super!! No problem.

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stefano avatar image
stefano answered ·

Thank you so much, you are too king and i will keep updated.

Unfortunatly sometimes who install this type of products doesn't know them so well..

Again thank you and have a good day!

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