
mitoki avatar image
mitoki asked

Multiplus 12/1200 not switching to AC input


Just installed a 12/1200 and it will not switch to AC input. I AC out works tried putting 800W load on it without a problem.

When applying AC in relay toggles periodically. IN CHG-only mode it goes into fault after a number of relay toggles.

Charger is configured as default LiFePo4 with VE.configure

Connected battery is a drop-in 200AH LiFePo4 voltage is at 13.1V SOC 40%

I have an Orion connected to the engine it charges fine with 28A.

Have tried reducing the charge current to 10A no diff.

Have tried disabling charger no change.

Any ideas what could be the issue?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargercharger
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

What is your AC source,

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mitoki avatar image
mitoki answered ·

it is grid in a marina

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