
stephen avatar image
stephen asked

how many chargers required

i have a battery bank of 6x115 ah wired in series and parallel to make 3 strings of 24volt and i have 1 24/16 victron battery charger, my question is this,do i need more 24v chargers to fully charge my bank of batterys, as i have set my charger to expert mode and user defined in order to increase bulk time, which is set to 10hrs, at 16amp, but it only stays in bulk for 2hrs then into absorbtion at 2amp but i need to bring up my specific gravity hence the long bulk time,

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @stephen

If the charge is only providing 2A to your battery in Absorption, then it is very likely there is some other issue either with the batteries themselves, or the wiring.

This gets pretty complex pretty quickly - so I would recommend reading the section on battery bank parallel wiring in the Wiring Unlimited book here.

Adding additional chargers will NOT make any difference to the situation you are describing - you are not even reaching the 16A limit of the single charger before it is reducing its output, so the issue is somewhere else in your installation.

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