
ludo avatar image
ludo Suspended asked

strange behavior of multiplus current limiter

screenshot-20220616-140333.pngThe input current remains the same, regardles of the setting on the multi control panel


the actual load is 10.25A, with the limiter set to 11A the support function should not be active.

On a campsite witha 5A circuit breaker i woul have a real problem.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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9 Answers
marc-heide avatar image
marc-heide answered ·


P = U x I

Assuming you have 230v x 10 A you will need to draw more than 2300 watt to limit the shore power.

Your now drawing 6 amps from the shore with 1400 watts.

With kind regards,

Marc van der Heide

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ludo avatar image ludo commented ·
the third screenshot shows the limit set to 5A, to no avail.........
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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

Hi Marc,

sorry, the system is telling me I am drawing 10.25A in the "detail" view, so are we calculating/measuring VA or Watts ?

But even if I change the settings in the Multiplus nothing happens


Set to 5A, happily drawing 8.8 ;)

best regards


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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

More data :


same load situation, same current, different power shown

Actually the power doesn't really matter to me, but the current-limiter should work regardles.

best regards


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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

Now it seems the problem only exist when a large inductive load is present (air conditioner).

With a resistive load (multiple water heaters) all is well.

I guess its clearly a design problem of the multiplus................

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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

@Matthias Lange - DE : do you have an idea where my problem could be ?



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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·


Maybe your MP does not know the current on AC-in because the internal CT is disconnected by faulty 3.5mm jack used for external CT.

Maybe "3.5mm jack trick" will work for you.

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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

Sorry, good hint, but I have a multiplus without "2". And it works as long as the load is not inductive.

Best regards


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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

I updated the firmware from 2609430 to 2609497, now everything looks fine, at least or the last 30 minutes ;)

Sadly enough VEConfigure said my firmware was up to date, I should have checked earlier

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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

The unit still didn't bring down the current to 5 Amps when running with the aico's,

so now I installed the oldest firmware version available for my device : 2609159 and now all my problems seem to have vanished.

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