
mikenr avatar image
mikenr asked

How to add a Multiplus II and battery to existing SMA grid-tie system

I have spent a lot of time looking for the answer to this one. I want to add a Multiplus II and battery to an existing grid-tie (no battery) system. The grid-tie inverter is an SMA Sunny Boy SB 2.5 VL-40 with 2500w of solar panels.

I have a Multiplus II, 12 of 450w solar panels, a Smart Solar 150/70 charger and an 11kw lithium battery.

I would like to be able to feed the grid to the extent I choose to, to help offset costs of being connected to it - and to only ever charge the battery with the solar.

I don't know how to incorporate the SMA inverter into the system.

I have tried contacting SMA with my queries - but unfortunately have had no reply from them.

Many many thanks in advance for any help

Mike :)

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mikenr avatar image mikenr commented ·
I forgot to mention that I have a Cerbo GX that will be in the system as well - couldn't see how to edit my original post . . .
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1 Answer
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Yes you do it just need to set the SMA to micro grid mode to make it work with the Multiplus2 unit.

You can hook to either to the output of the Multiplus as a micro grid or the input as normal grid system but to see the SMA you will need ET112 CT to see the SMA on the system this is wired to the SAM output lead.


Rob Duthie


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mikenr avatar image mikenr commented ·
Thank you SO much! Now I just have to work out how to configure it all . . . Hahaha
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