
info7060 avatar image
info7060 asked

Multiplus-II - additional power from the grid


let's say the load is 2kW. PV provides as well 2kW but cloud lowers the production to 500W. Is it possible for Multiplus to provide another 1500w from the grid temporarily instead of battery?

My goal is to use only the power from the sun and if there is no sun, load does not need to run. Therefor my question is, is it possible to use grid to help instead of much bigger battery?

Load will be automatically turned on / off based on the production from the sun, but in case of cloudy day, things get complicated.

Thanks a lot!

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


As long as you have met the minimum requirements the keep batteries charged in ess will then pull more from the grid rather than discharge the battery. Lift the inout current limit as well (keep it at 50A). However there will still be some power assist, but will be less.

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info7060 avatar image info7060 commented ·
Thank you very much, I needed to know if it is even possible.
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