
sieade245 avatar image
sieade245 asked

Multiplus 24/3000 missing aux inputs?

Bought a Victron AC Current Sensor to measure my PV output. Probably should have checked first but manual says I should have an aux input in the appendix...but there don't seem to be any. I only have Voltage Sense, Temp sense and a trickle charging starter battery connection where the rest of the aux inputs etc are supposed to be. Were they added as a hardware revision? I've plugged it into the temp sense for now but obviously sacrificed temp comp charging. My garage is at 15-20 degrees so my bulk set to 28.8 usually runs at 29.1-29.3. Don't suppose there's any way around this? Apart from swapping it for a wireless AC current sensor or an energy meter?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Yes, the Aux input was added as a hardware revision.

Linked is a document with a list of devices and serial numbers beyond which the hardware was revised

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sieade245 avatar image sieade245 commented ·

Thanks. I did read that document before buying. My multiplus has the CPU upgraded to support ESS and has been given a new serial number which supersedes the cut off serial number in the list so I thought I would be ok and the restriction was maybe cpu based. The document doesn't actually state that earlier serial numbers don't physically have the aux input it just says the inputs aren't suitable (because I guess they don't exist!). At least I know for sure now.

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