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Generator not charging batteries. Passthru only.

HI All,

We have a large system that is essentially off grid. (3 x Quattro 15000, 3 phase genset, 25kW solar (3 phase inverter) and battery bank)

AC1 is reserved for grid (not used in this instance) and generator feeds AC2.

The last few days, the generator has been running constantly regardless of solar, and not achieving float. I've noticed that if the generator runs, it gets stuck in passthru and refuses to charge batteries.

Generator otherwise running and outputting normally.

Batteries charge fine when there is enough solar to do so.

No settings that would alter operating values have been changed recently.

Similar threads are around, but none appear to be resolved.

The site is approx 9 hours away from me, so visiting site is not really viable.

Any and all input greatly appreciated.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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