
tgonc avatar image
tgonc asked

Raspberry Pi 4 2GB image


Does anyone have any knowledge of Venus and Raspberry Pi 4 2GB failures?

I downloaded the latest v2.86 wic.gz file as per instructions on

Unzipped it once and imaged the .wic file to SD card which did not boot/work. See Wic screen shot.


Then unzipped the wic file again and got a 1.img file. Imaged that and thought that was the answer but it still did not boot/work. See Img screen shot.


At a loss now so any ideas would be appreciated. :-)



Raspberry Pi
wicinstall.jpg (299.6 KiB)
imginstall.jpg (238.9 KiB)
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4 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You have a v1.4 board which is not compatible with the raspberrypi4 images in the Victron feeds directory. A new kernel is needed. @Johnny Brusevold has created a version that will run on that board but it is still in the testing phase. Available here:

Victron will eventually merge the new kernel into it's RPI 4 versions but most likely won't happen in v2.90.

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

If you look at the main CHIP if towards the end of the part number you have C0 then you are defiantly on a 1.5 board. If it is an RPI 4B 8Gb and has B0 then it is a 1.4 board. This is not definitive but a good guide from the searching I have done and what I have on my desk.

Some good info here

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I was a little off:

The first character indicates the amount of RAM: A for 1GB, b for 2GB, c for 4 GB, d for 8GB

The last character indicates the board revision: 4 indicates a v1.4 board

The other characters are of lesser importance but described here:

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

Unfortunately you have a fairly new RPI, which is a revision 1.5 board. These have issues booting. Work is being done to get a bootable image, but until that time you would need to handcraft files onto the memory card to get it to book.

For those interested, the newer cards have the mmc SDHCI bus moved and the boot files therefore can not find and setup the mmc correctly.

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tgonc avatar image
tgonc answered ·

Thanks for the quick answers! :-) Ok here was I thinking that the Pi4 ver B 2GB was a 1.2 board? Can you somehow tell from the sceen shots that its a newer board? Cheers Tim

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

The board version is included in the boot loader screen shot: "board: b03114". The last two digits indicate the board version number (v1.4 in this case).

For some time now, all Raspberry Pi 4s use the v1.4 and v1.5 boards even for the 2 GB and 4 GB versions.

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tgonc avatar image tgonc Kevin Windrem commented ·
Awesome that explains that. I could have saved myself 4hrs of my life had I known that :-) I will that test version a go. Many Thanks! Tim
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