
deniasol avatar image
deniasol asked

Is it possible to operate 2 x Multiplus-II 8000, 10000 or 15000 in parallel?

I would like to use 2 x Multiplus II 800 in parallel, because I need a cont. output of 9,2 KW at up to 40 degrees Celsius.

Refering datasheet it´s not posible to opérate 2 x 800 in parallel:

Virtually unlimited power thanks to parallel (not for the 8k and 10k models) and three phase operation

Ist that correct? Or is there a solution to operate in parallel an connect to a Cerbo GX?

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8 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

It wouldn't be mentioned in the datasheet if it would be possible.
It is a hardware limitation.

If you need 9,2kW you could use a 15kVA Quattro.

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·

Jan from Victron Sales says it is a feature that will be supported in the future, so why would she say that if it were a hardware limitation that would prevent that?

Also, as you're aware, the Victron manual does not specify this limitation and on Page 32 erroneously indicates that the 48/8000 can be operated in parallel.

Victron should also consider taking off its advertisement of parallel operation on its data sheet given that 3 of the 5 models (a majority) cannot operate in parallel. At least make it far more clear on the data sheet than it is now.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ alaskannoob commented ·

The original question and my answer are around 11 months old.

I'm pretty sure Jan is a "he" not "she" ;)

My last information about that is from September 25th 2022 from Matthijs Vader (Victron CEO) and is still the same:

It isn't possible now and maybe needs a new HW Version.

Where does Victron advertise that ALL MP-II can be paralleled?
Yes, it is not 100% clear in the manual and there is a "copy and paste"-error, but that will be fixed in a few days.

Here is another question about that topic with the same (still correct) answer:

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Apologies to Jan.

The manual covers all models and does not specify in any of its discussion that paralleling doesn't apply to any model. That's implicitly stating that all models can parallel.

In addition, on Pages 31-32 it gives two diagrams for all models and specifically lists paralleling through the VE.BUS for all models as an option.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ alaskannoob commented ·

As I already wrote this is an error in the manual and will be fixed soon.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ alaskannoob commented ·

Hi @AlaskanNoob,

Apologies for the confusion. As you have already learned, the information in the manual regarding the MP-II 8k, 10k and 15k in parallel configuration is unfortunately incorrect and will be corrected as soon as possible.
Victron is constantly working to improve the accuracy and clarity of our documentation.

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Thank you both for the constant improvement. Now, hopefully, I can get the Dealer who told us the two 48/8000s would operate in parallel (and which we subsequently purchased) to pay for those units to be shipped back to him. So far he has stated that we have to pay for the shipping. We already paid to have them shipped up here in the first place!
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ alaskannoob commented ·

It is normal for shipping to be charged to the customer for goods return.

It is stated in the warranty document.

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob Alexandra ♦ commented ·

That may well be the case, but It doesn't change the fact that a trained Victron dealer wrongly and specifically said two 48/8000 inverters would operate in parallel which was incorrect, and that Victron's manual for the Multiplus II erroneously stated the units could be operated in parallel. That customers are expected to pay three times the shipping (shipping the units here originally, then shipping them back, and then shipping up a replacement that does what we were told the original units could do) in order to fix the mistakes of Victron may be normal under the warranty.

But expecting customers to pay even more money to cover for Victron's mistakes while Victron itself provides absolutely nothing to make a customer whole after Victron caused the issue is poor business practice in my view. Hopefully that isn't the path that Victron takes here. It would be nice if Victron took some responsibility for its multiple mistakes that led to us being in this situation.

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deniasol avatar image
deniasol answered ·

Thank you for your help. Make sense, that it is not possible, if it is not mentioned in the datasheet. Sorry for my stupid question ;-(
I have had a look at your suggestion using a Quattro. As I could see here in this forum the Quattro is like the old Multiplus and doesn´t include the ESS which is part of the Multiplus II. So the Quattro is not able to feed the PV surplus into the grid? Is that through?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
ESS is software and can be used with every MultiPlus/Quattro. Depending on your country and local laws you might need an external anti-islanding relay if you use an "old" MultiPlus/Quattro.
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Bill Annetts avatar image
Bill Annetts answered ·

Has there been any update on the use of 8k and 10k MP units in parallel ?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Nope. And there is no guarantee it will ever work on existing units, it may require hardware changes.
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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·
Jan from Victron Sales this morning told me it would be supported in the future but that there was no timeline.
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ponzoa avatar image
ponzoa answered ·

You can also use 3 Multiplus II 5KVA in parralel. This would give you 15KVA and allow room for a 4th if you end up needing more power.

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maha avatar image maha commented ·
Or you can use 5 Multiplus II 48/3000 in parallel...:-)
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alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob answered ·

Sadly, I still don't know the answer to this question, but:

  • my dealer specifically told me 48/8000 can operate in parallel in January of 2022 and sold me two for that purpose (I have not yet taken them out of the box except to upgrade firmware) -- I have contacted him about this question since and he's no longer sure and is looking into it

  • the manual indicates that all Multiplus II can operate in parallel

  • At least one other dealer website I have seen online says the 48/8000 can operate in parallel

If it's the case that the manual is correct that the 48/8000 can operate in parallel, then Victron needs to update their troublesome data sheet that says it cannot operate in parallel. It's causing a great deal of confusion.

If, however, it's the case that the 48/8000 cannot operate in parallel, Victron should:

  • update the manual to specify this

  • change the data sheet to take off the capability of paralleling (it doesn't make sense to advertise that as a blanket capability of the series when 3 out of 5 of the models cannot operate in parallel as the data sheet suggests currently)

I still have no idea if the 48/8000 can operate in parallel or not because of the conflicting information.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

The datasheet is clear about that:


But I see the problem in the manual at 4.4.7.
I forwarded it to Victron and it will be edited to be more clear at that part of the manual.

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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·


  • The manual does not clearly specify that and the manual is more important than a data sheet I would think. The manual repeatedly discusses parallel operation for all units without ever specifying any limitations for any models and later in the manual on Page 32 it even has two different port diagrams, one for 3K & 5K model, and one for 8K-15K. The 8K-15K diagram shows the VE.BUS port and says it can be used for parallel


  • Multiple dealers understandably have the wrong impression that the 48/8000 can operate in parallel as one told me that specifically and then sold me the equipment for that purpose, and at least one other currently has a website up that says the 48/8000 can operate in parallel
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alaskannoob avatar image alaskannoob commented ·

Jan Klumpenaar from Victron Sales just emailed me and stated the Multiplus II 48/8000:

  • CANNOT operate in parallel "yet"

  • will be able to operate in parallel in the future, but no timeframe for that
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link-cat avatar image
link-cat answered ·

Any update on this?

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loxley avatar image
loxley answered ·

I'm also keen on an update. I'd much prefer to use a MP-II 15kVa in parallel to a similar Quattro configuration.

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lifewithmike avatar image
lifewithmike answered ·

Any updates here? Looking for 10k unit and don't want to have to rip/replace in future or waste wall space for 2x 5000s to add 2x more later.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Get a Quattro instead. Announcements and roadmaps aren't made in the community as per the guidelines, so follow the blog and/or news from tradeshows.
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