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peeky1323 asked

Advice for Solar, MPPT, SmartShunt and split charge

HI All. I have a sailboat with 2x lead acid batteries. One for engine starter and one for house (or cabin in this case). There is a split charge relay currently installed. Currently, the engine alternator is the only charge source. I am planning to put in a 50 watt solar panel, SmartSolar 75/10, and SmartShunt on the leisure battery. How does the split charge relay affect things? I am planning to connect the SmartSolar to the leisure battery but I am assuming the solar will activate the relay. Not a huge issue as having all batteries charged is great. However, the batteries are different power (110ah and 30ah) and I am also planning to replace the lead leisure with a Lithium. Is the split charge going to cause issues? I know it's a small solar panel but it is purely to make sure things stay charged when not on the boat as opposed to actually run things. Thanks in advance for any advice.

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