
zimbonz avatar image
zimbonz asked

Quattro 12/5000/120 Burning Smell, now won't turn on

HI All,

I was charging my batteries on my boat today, as usual. Noticed a burning smell, and traced to the inverter area. I turned off the generator input, and all conntinued fine, the smell went away.

I tried re applying the genset input, and the unit tried to switch from Inverting to Bulk, and seemed to fail. The was a fairly loud switching noise (may be normal) and the unit turned off. It seemed to restart, and the Float and Temp led's flashed for a second, and the attempt to change to Bulk restarted, and failed again in this loop. I turned off the genset input again, and now the unit is dead, it wont turn on at all.

Can anyone please help with any basic troubleshooting, or is this likely a pro service job?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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editwiz avatar image editwiz commented ·

Quattro 12/5000/220-100/100 120V VE.Bus


Serial number:

Reason for return:
Report from client:

While our Trawler was underway. I had the Generator running while Master-Slave Quattro’s were charging Lithionics ESS system. The alternator was derated for 50% output contributing 180 DC Amps to the charging as well when the Master Quattro failed. Burning smell detected by my wife while handling lines outside. I mediately isolated the DC input to the Master Inverter. I have configured the Slave as a stand-alone to charge the Lithium however I had to send the Master Quattro in for repair. I see that I'm not the only one struggling with this issue.

I was running current firmware

Installation date: 2021-06-25
Failure date: 2022-08-23
Firmware update: Current
Installed firmware version: V497
Warranty claim: yes
Is there a follow-up by Victron on this issue. I have concerns that my Slave may fail as well.


How did you resolve your Quattro catastrophic/burn failure?

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3 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you will need to return it to the dealer you purchased it off as by the sound of your issue it will need repairing

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zimbonz avatar image
zimbonz answered ·

Thanks. I realise that is likely the obvious answer, but that is not possible for me, as I am half way around the world from the original dealer. But yes I suppose it does need to be looked at by Victron. I am detecting 13v input from battery but unit is not powering on. I had hoped there was a fuse somewhere that might be a culprit to start with, but it appears not. Thanks for taking the time. Cheers

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mike-a avatar image mike-a commented ·


Did you ever find the source of a problem or solution? We seem to be having a similar issue.

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editwiz avatar image
editwiz answered ·

While our Trawler was underway. I had the Generator running while Master-Slave Quattro’s were charging Lithionics ESS system. The alternator was derated for 50% output contributing 180 DC Amps to the charging as well when the Master Quattro failed. Burning smell detected by my wife while handling lines outside. I mediately isolated the DC input to the Master Inverter. I have configured the Slave as a stand-alone to charge the Lithium however I had to send the Master Quattro in for repair. I see that I'm not the only one struggling with this issue.

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