
zoe avatar image
zoe asked

Hi, does the MPPT 100/50 charge controller have a slow blow internal fuse? If so is it possible to change it yourself?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Yes it does.

and No its not a changable item

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zoe avatar image zoe commented ·

@Paul B Thank you! Could you tell me how I would know if this fuse has blown? Basically I have two solar panels and I don’t seem to be getting a normal amount of power from them (over the last few days with good sun) but still getting a little bit...

In the middle of the day none of the led lights are on and no power is going in but in the morning the bulk led light is on and a bit of power is going in.

The charger is 3 & half years old and so are the panels.

P.S. my knowledge level is VERY minimal so any advice or ideas would be appreciated!

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mihair avatar image mihair zoe commented ·

Would you please upload here a picture with your MPPT?

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