
nebulight avatar image
nebulight asked

Parallel string into single charge controller?

I'll be installing around 600w of panels on the roof for my 12v system in a camper van. I was originally planning on purchasing a second mppt for a ground deploy 200w suitcase solar panel but now I'm thinking about using a 150/60 instead. The 600W panels will be in parallel on the roof for this to work. I would then make the input for the ground deploy in parallel as well, but at the input of the mppt. Would this be doable? The voltages of the panels are close enough so I don't take any hit on higher vs lower voltages. I'll have an input breaker for each parallel connection.

The reason I ask is I will not be using the ground deploy 99% of the time. I'd only use it for emergencies or if I'm parking the van in a shaded area for an extended period of time.


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


As long as you do not exceed the 50A input current limit, you will be fine

See the tech spec max pv short circuit current.

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