
jeanphi500 avatar image
jeanphi500 asked

Are energy fields readable from ModbusTCP?

I'm playing with modbusTCP to feed some stuff to my monitoring webpage.

One thing I would really like to get is the energy count from AC-In to battery and from battery to AC in.
In the modbus Excel sheet those are registers 4548 and 4558. The service name is "multi"
If I look at the list of available services in the console, I only see 4 of them: vebus (unit 228), grid meter (30), system (100) and hub4 (100).

Nothing seems to correspond to "multi". I've tried to read them from unit 228 and 100 but they both report an error like "ERROR finding service with device type multi at device instance 275" (275 is the instance number for the vebus)

That field should be somehow readable because I can see if I use MQTT instead of ModBusTCP. And there it reports under vebus/275/Energy

Can anyone help?


Modbus TCP
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Registers "com.victronenergy.multi" 45xx are from a Multi RS device, not a MultiPlus (ve.bus).
Registers related to MultiPlus will be "com.victronenergy.vebus" addresses 3 - 72.

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jeanphi500 avatar image
jeanphi500 answered ·

So that means those registers are not accessible through modbus and I should use MQTT instead...

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
45xx adresses are only accessible through modbus if you have a Multi RS.
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