
Fra avatar image
Fra asked

What difference is there between smartsolar rev 2 and rev3?

Hallo, I've purchased a new victronenergy smartsolar 100/30 to switch from My 4 years old Epever tracer 3210AN. (1 megawatt /hour produced in 4 years with only a 300w monocrystaline panel living IN Rv.).

The seller make a very good price.

But I discover that is "hw rev2" and also exist "hw rev3".

Is any difference between rev2 and rev3?

The charge algorithm is the same? Or is best on rev3?

I am very curious to see the. Performance difference between smartsolar and epever tracer. Obviously the victronenergy software is immensely better.

And I have already noticed an advantage in MPP tracking with very little light, rain or rapid passing of clouds.

Furthermore, smartsolar communicates perfectly with smartshuunt and has an accurate reading of the battery voltage and compensates for the drop to the hundredth of a volt. And it even gets the precise tail current value to terminate absorption precisely.

But I'm worried I bought an outdated version of the smartsolar. Is that so?

Thank you.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I have several of the different revisions in several systems.

No noticeable difference except speed of tracking but on the much older ones (over 5 years old non smart ones). But have found they still track faster than newer stuff from other manufacturers they still have the new firmware available to them. So are always being improved.

On the smart range there does not seem to be a difference noticeable by the end user. Yours is new enough to integrate on smart network so no worries there.

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Fra avatar image Fra Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Thanks you. I have updated the firmware at the latest version. Now the tracking speed and algorithm is comparable with rev3? It's strange that victronenergy not advise on the box regarding the hw rev number... Only ones you bought it, you can now it...
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

To my knowlage there is NO operational diferance, just the internal hardware/componts are diferent in some areas, thus the firmware is also different.

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Fra avatar image Fra commented ·
Thanks you! The firmware is different but rev2 will be supported in the future with regulary firmware updates? Or only the last HW Rev will be supported?
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