
stugt40 avatar image
stugt40 asked

Inverter not working


I have just collected a new canal boat that has a MultiPlus-II inverter charger fitted. On shore power the charger seems to work fine but when I disconnect the inverter does not start.

II’m sure I am missing something but any advice would be great!

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Hi, that is a lot like saying your car won't start and asking a mechanic why. There could be many reasons, but without any detail on the installation it is complete guesswork.

Best advice is to get a professional to look at it for you, if you don't have the technical background yourself.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Is the battery on? Is there power at the terminals?

Is the switch on?

Has the unit been programmed for correct battery charging?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Maybe a blown fuse or open switch between the battery and the MultiPlus?!

Ist the MultiPlus switched to I (ON) not to II (Charger-only)?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Is this a UK canal boat, if so, check that it is not on charger only setting as noted above, a lot of UK canal builders / suppliers recommend setting the inverter to charger only when on shorepower so you do not drain your batteries if shorepower fails. My boat builder advised this.
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stugt40 avatar image
stugt40 answered ·

Hi Guys

Thanks for the responses. The 12v power is on and the batteries are 12.8v.

I will download the app and check the settings.

It is a UK boat, brand new last week.

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·

1. Speak to the builder.

2. Under the unit there is a small black 3 position switch, one way is inverter and charger operational (position I), the middle is off and the opposite direction is charger only (position II). Check this switch and try it in the opposite direction to what it is currently set at. You have not responded that you have checked this. See the picture, the switch is in the bottom right.


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stugt40 avatar image
stugt40 answered ·


The manual provided shows the switch on the front panel between the LED’s.

The actual switch is, as shown in the above response, underneath the unit.

All working now - thanks for your responses.

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