
mrrose83 avatar image
mrrose83 asked

How to you get the energy (kwh) going to and from the batterie by modbus like the vrm shows?

Hi I using an Multi with an Pylontech. How will i get the energy going to and from the batterie by modbus simular to that what the vrm shows?

Modbus TCP
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This value is only calculated on VRM and it is not available locally, so no Modbus register is available either.

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lifeingalicia avatar image
lifeingalicia answered ·

unit 100 register 840 - 846


best to download full register list from here

1652701081385.png (14.6 KiB)
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jeanphi500 avatar image
jeanphi500 answered ·

I looked for the same information and it was not available using the modbusTCP interface.

So instead I use MQTT. I subscribed to the energy fields available on the vebus. They are labelled vebus/275/Energy/InverterToAcIn1 and vebus/275/Energy/AcIn1ToInverter

I'm getting updates coming in but the value does not seem correct.In the whole night (discharge) the reported value only changed by 0.08kWh. While the real number should have been around 4kWh.
I'm not sure what's happening...

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