
John Reynolds avatar image
John Reynolds asked

Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Can I run Ruvvi Tag

I have a Rpi 3 B+ running OS 2.66. It says it's the latest version. I would like to add Ruvvi tags to monitor fridge and air temp. Do I need to upgrade my Rpi to a 4 or can I run 2.80 or 2.90?

Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@John Reynolds,

no need to upgrade to a Rpi 4. The Pi 3 B+ will do fine. But you need to update Venus OS firmware, which currently is v2.85. V2.90 is not yet released.

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John Reynolds avatar image John Reynolds commented ·
Thanks Stefanie, can I than put the helper on to add the tags or do I need a Bluetooth USB adapter?
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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ John Reynolds commented ·

Not sure what you mean with "helper".

Normally you would add the RuuviTags from Settings / I/O / Bluetooth sensors menu.

If the menu does not exist, this could mean the Pi's bluetooth sensor is not working. Then simply add one of these Bluetooth USB dongles.


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John Reynolds avatar image
John Reynolds answered ·

Sorry to bother you but I purchased a new identical SD card and put on V2.66. All fine I can connect with Venus.local. I then put V2.80 tried v2.85 on the same card. It all seems to boot ok but I can't get in with Venus.local. Any ideas would be appreciated. I have tried balenaEtcher and the RPI imager. Still no response.

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