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thepilot asked

Does Quattro require DNO with DC PV setup


Having read throught the ESS manual and design criteria, do I need to inform my grid supplier if I setup the Quattro ESS with a DC side PV array using MPPT and have no loads on the AC In side of the Quattro?

If setup properly with the recommended anti-islanding device I assume the quattro would be disconnected if the grid failed and with no feed in from the MPPT there would be no power fed back to the grid?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

States it depends on size of system. But usually the local provider would still need to be informed, even if it is just a backup system with battery only.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


This is a local regulations type question. Probably is best to either mention where you are or contact a local dealership/supplier.

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