
sherulesthewaves avatar image
sherulesthewaves asked

Multiplus 2, REC BMS and DC loads

Hey people! I'm confused. As you can see in the pic, the REC BMS says that the batteries are discharging, while the multiples is charging.

The DC-load that are drawing just a little more than the charge seem to be the problem. There is no DC-load though... Its currently only connected to the Multiplus... Any clues?

I'm also confused as to why the BMS only shows 48% but it doesn't charge anymore... I need help...



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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

You will notice that the battery voltage is at 56.18 now this maybe higher than what the rec BMS is wanting at that point of time so the battery is discharging to reduce its voltage down to what the rec says. in regards to the SOC well that depends on what battery monitor you have selected in system setup. Maybe select the REC as your battery monitor in your GX and the problem is solved.

you may have 3 ie

the multiplus

the REC

and a smartshunt or BMV

so not enough info to answer that one fully

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baxter avatar image
baxter answered ·

I think we will need more information.

I guess you are using DVCC? What are the DVCC settings, also CVL, CCL, DCL.

Pls post the REC BMS Configuration and also more details about your battery

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