
jmans avatar image
jmans asked

MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 230V GX


Can the Victron Energy MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 230V GX with an MPPT solar charge controller be configured to prioritise supply to the load from the solar panels and the batteries (down to a preset battery %) and then draw energy from the grid to supplement the demand from the load if the supply from the solar panels and battery are insufficient? (I don't want to feed any suplus power back into the grid).


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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


ESS assistant will do what you want.

You can control depth of discharge of the battery.

To prevent feedback always pull a few watts from grid using grid set point.

There are other ways if you want to be disconnected and only connect to grid in the conditins you want. But they are less interactive/customizable through the GX menu.

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jmans avatar image jmans commented ·

Thanks for your quick reply!

Is the scenario I described called 'self-consumption mode'?

If I use 'grid set point' or turn the 'Grid feed-in' option off in ESS assistant to prevent feedback to the grid can I just connect the MultiPlus-II to a ring main on my domestic supply (UK) or do I need to deal with grid code compliance and approval?

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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·


If you load ESS assistant you can turn the "Grid feed-in" option off.


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jmans avatar image
jmans answered ·

@Matthias Lange - DE, @Alexandra, @MarekP, thanks for your quick replies.

Is the scenario I described called 'self-consumption mode'?

If I use 'grid set point' or turn the 'Grid feed-in' option off to prevent feedback to the grid can I just connect the MultiPlus-II to a ring main on my domestic supply (UK) or do I need to deal with grid code compliance and approval?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Compliance and regulations are a different issue. I am not in the UK so cannot say for sure what is needed there. It may be best to contact a local distributor for advice.

Ess assistant needs a grid code to be specified, so will need some form of compliance to be legal

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jmans avatar image jmans Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Thanks @Alexandra
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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK commented ·

@JMans by the book, in the UK if the unit is connected to the grid in any way that allows energy to be exported to the grid, it needs to be a compliant device and a DNO application made to identify what DNO connect you require. Off the top of my head, if the connection to the grid is under a specific kw output, then you automatically can connect to the grid. I had my PV install about a year ago with a DNO application to allow me to export onto the grid. Now I have batteries, I am using that export allowance though my inverter so therefore by the book it is my inverter sending the energy into the grid, not my PV but they will never know any difference unless I export 4kw onto the grid a midnight. Grid overloading by local generation is becoming an major issue for the UKPN of which it is getting harder to get DNO approval for connection of local generation to the grid in certain parts of the Uk, abet if you are under that kW figure, they cant stop you currently but they will soon be able to.

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jmans avatar image jmans Jason - UK commented ·
@Jason Thanks very much for that information and for the link to the site on registering my device. I really appreciate you taking time to comment on my question.
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