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tmyers asked

best application of a B2B setup on my 2007 Journey

I have a 2007 Winnebago Journey, Diesel pusher and I am in the planning stages for Lithium batteries and all that that entails. My question is about how I protect my Chassis Alternator from cooking when charging my Lithium batteries. In this upgrade, I want to maintain my battery combiner switch and functionality as well as protect my alternator.

I am thinking about the Orion 12/12 30A charger but cannot determine where it should be inserted into my system and still allow the use of my battery combiner. I have also been looking at the Cyrix-Li-ct as a replacement for my existing battery combiner relay, but can't find information on whether or not it will be able to limit the charging current between my alternator and lithium batteries. Do I need both?

I have included a wiring diagram of the battery combiner and house battery relay along with the Trick-L-Start in hopes that someone can give me some clear direction on how to handle this portion of the conversion to Lithium house batteries.

Thanks in advance.

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