
chrichri avatar image
chrichri asked

Bugs in Multiplus II V496


first of all I have to say, it is a great product! Of course, those of you who used AC1 AND AC2 as inputs for generator and grid will be a bit disapointed but there is still the quattro unit.

I found two little bugs. Should be easy to fix:


Relay used as PUMP mode:

In this display, PUMP is set to AUTO.

When setting to ON and leaving the display to the MENU display and back, it shows again AUTO but is in ON mode. The same for OFF.


In this display when scrolling down the AC CURRENT LIMIT it should stop at 6A as this is the lowest possible value. This would avoid the following bug, when keeping the button scroll down pressed the value goes to 0. Pressing ok it sets 6A as it should. But now when trying to set a new value this is not possible anymore and stays 0. Leaving by ok or accept it is 6A. No way to set a new value.

Only workaround:

One has to go to the MENUE to set a new value there to be able to set it again in this display here.


Here it should detect when the REMOTE bridge (connector M) is open. It should show the information AC MODE (REMOTE OFF) or something like that in this case. To keep the possibility to change the MODE is ok as once it gets back to life (bridge gets closed again) it should do what is selected.

External current sensor:

It should be mentioned somewhere that he Multi Plus automatically detects when the external current sensor (the blue current sensor to mono Jack) is connected. The option "External current sensor connected (see manual)" in the VE Configure Menu.General seems to be something else.

AC input current limit:

When setting this to 10A as an example, the AC current is effectively limited to 10A = 2200W aproximately. So in my experiment I put a load of 2000W on AC out. 200W remaining was used to charge the battery. When surpassing this value (I added a load of another 2000W), the Power assist starts working. But now, if this load that triggered the power assist (the other 2000W) gets off again, the grid power remains at 1600W and the remaining 400W comes from the battery. No charging in this case.

It needs an important variation the load to "wake" up the Multi plus and to remind it that potentially 2200W are allowed to be used from grid. After this important variation all gets back to normal.

In my experiment I used 2 intensity regulated hoovers each of them 1000W, an iron of 2000W for the extra load and an old light bulb of 80W for the load variation (an old light bulb needs about 3 times the load during "switch on" - apromimately during 500ms.

Maybe someone form Victron team can comment on that and of ccourse everyone who can add any kind of experience of that kind.

All the best.

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