
David avatar image
David asked

Multable MPPT 75/15BT to 1 Venus GX

I want to hook 4 MPPT 75/15BT controllers into 1 Venus GX so I can view the combined data inputs via my laptop. How do I wire this?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Two of them can connect to the Venus GX using straight VE.Direct cables.

For the other two, you will need a VE.Direct -USB cable for each of them (X2) and you will need a USB hub to connect both VE.Direct - USB cables to the one USB port which is on the Venus GX

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David avatar image
David answered ·

Thank you.. Can I run all VE.D USB to the hub (3.0) and then one from hub to Venus USB in?

1 comment
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

yes you can

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