
chamtrev avatar image
chamtrev asked

Mega fuse holder tolerance

The Mega Fuse holder I recently bought has a bolt centre to bolt centre on +/- 52mm not 50.8.

As a result the fuse will not fit on without either re-drilling the holes in the fuse or forcing the fuse down which I suspect will break the fuse ( i do not want to try this).

Since I only have one fuse holder I have none to compare it to.

Is this normal or are they meant to be exact?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

I think you have a non-spec holder, but someone might correct me. I'd return the holder and get one that's the right size. Otherwise if you need fuses in future, you'll be struggling.

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3 Answers
chamtrev avatar image
chamtrev answered ·

Thanks for the response

I bought a specific item, CIP000100001.

I have been told by the supplier "they can be tricky and you just need to bend them to get them in".

That does not seem correct to me. Engineering and manufacturing tolerances are of the upmost importance.

Can someone tell me if they have experience of these fuse holders, do the fuses just slip on or are you meant to bend them in?


You can see that the fuse will not fit and is sitting on the threads.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

Maybe the fuse and not the fuseholder is the problem? Have you tried a Victron MEGA fuse?

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Chamtrev

yes, this is fairly normal with this fuse holder. The trick to get the fuse in is, to bend the holder a bit. You can do that by pressing the 2 bolts towards to each other with some force.

Then, the fuse will go in place without issues.



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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw markus ♦♦ commented ·

Interesting and a first for me as my Victron fuses easily fit with no force and I never had a customer raise the point. (maybe they just forced it ;)

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
I can confirm that they fit tightly sometimes.
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chamtrev avatar image
chamtrev answered ·

OK so that clears the issue up, the manufacturing specifications of 50.8mm centre to centre are guestimates, could be 50mm could be 52mm, who knows, just bend things a bit till they fit.

Airbus here I come.;)

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

I believe that's the Boeing approach on the 787s. ;-)

Hope we have a better answer for you soon.

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f9cme avatar image
f9cme answered ·

Little late to the party... by as i search for the M8 on-center specs for Lynx Distributor....

There are two sizes of 70v mega fuses from Litlfuse

One is 51mm (50.8 oc)

Other is 56mm (56.0 oc)

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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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