
mrrikp avatar image
mrrikp asked

Change AC Input type with switch?

Hi all. I’ve a system with a 24V Multiplus inverter/charger . It has a single AC input, which I have connected to a 230V accessory socket. I can either hook this up to shore (grid) power, or, a diesel genny that we carry about (work vehicle).

My question is, is there a simple way to update the ‘AC Input 1 Type’ on the CerboGX to the actual source type (maybe using the digital inputs? Is that possible?) so that, when looking at reports on VRM, we get accurate data?

I can manually do this via our GX Touch, but it’s like a million menu items to find and the chances are someone will forget to set it correctly. So I was thinking a selector switch would be ideal if it was possible to toggle it in this way.


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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Check out Kevin windrem generator transfer switch mod. It is intended for use with an ats but could easily be used with a digital input and a manual switch to do exactly what you are looking for.

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gnagflow avatar image gnagflow commented ·

Hi, thank you for your help! Do you mean this mod:

seams that it is not usable anymore after V2.90 of Venus.

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gnagflow avatar image gnagflow commented ·

OHHH I seeee ... this is fantastic ...

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gnagflow avatar image
gnagflow answered ·

Did you find a solution, i am looking for the same feature …

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