
gilles avatar image
gilles asked

Wiring an external 3 position switch for Multiplus 800va

Hi, i am trying to wire an external 3 way switch (ON-OFF-ON) in my RV as a remote control for a multi compact 800va.

I have it wired as the manual says : The + terminal have to go to OFF at the switch and ON/Ch to ON.

Multi is ON when my switch is flat . It should be OFF.

Multi is OFF when my switch is pushed ON , so toward the sign " I ". It should be ON.

The Charger ONLY position does not work on the switch, i have to press the button down directly on the multiplus itself to be on that mode only.

I have no fuse in line.

Main goal would be to have at least a correct mode ON and OFF on the multi matching the remote.

Wiring looks okay to me, but i am no expert in switches. Maybe that switch is no good for that particular setup. I think it is DPST.img-20220421-115100.jpgimg-20220421-115024.jpg

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Have you configured the dipswitch?


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