
bram-peeters avatar image
bram-peeters asked

How do I charge my start battery automatically , when my domestic battery (LIFePO4) is fully charged by my solar panels via MPPT.

MPPT Controllers
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bram-peeters avatar image bram-peeters commented ·
my start battery is a lead-accid battery
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2 Answers
Sarah avatar image
Sarah answered ·

A little bit more context would be helpful. That said you may find a cyrix battery combiner or small dc-dc trickle charger may meet your needs. Really depends on what you are trying to achieve,

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bram-peeters avatar image bram-peeters commented ·
I am just trying to charge my start battery (lead accid) with my solar system, when my domestic battery (LIFePO4) is fully charged, and this automatically. I have a orion to charge my domestic battery via start battery when engine is running. Is there a possibility that I can take a signal or something else from shunt or MPPT to start another orion or something else for charging my start battery without placing a separate solar system with another MPPT.

Thanks for answering,

greetings bram.

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Sarah avatar image Sarah bram-peeters commented ·

in a similar post @kevgermany recommended that Votronic make a trickle charger to keep your starter battery topped up from the auxiliary system and that a second Orion for this is overkill.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Sarah commented ·
Yes. There's a slight difference from @Bram Peeters intention. The Votronic will divert a small amount of charge to the starter battery when the charge voltage of the house battery is high enough. They say up to three amps, in practice the most I've seen has be 1A. When the house battery is not under charge, there's no feed to the starter, so no drain on the house battery.
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bram-peeters avatar image bram-peeters Sarah commented ·
Why votronic, if the whole installation is victron, and because of the lytium battery (household) and the start battery is lead accid, the charge curve is different, so we need to change that also.
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ bram-peeters commented ·

It's a low cost option. The Orion setup described by @Trevor Bird below will work, but at higher cost.

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Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

Hello @Bram Peeters . If you use an Orion DC-DC charger you can control when it activates by using a BMV 712 or a Smartshunt. You could set a SOC to close a relay and use that relay contact closure to tell the Orion to activate through its remote terminal. The BMV or Smartshunt are programmed via the Bluetooth and the Orion can be interrogated via Bluetooth also. If using the smartshunt it would need to be connected to a CerboGX to get access to relay contacts..

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