
erzwodezwo avatar image
erzwodezwo asked

Victron BlueSolar MPPT 100/30 not charging


i have a 2x100W Mono Solarenviroment and ich changed in 01/2019 my old Controller to an BlueSolar MPPT 100/30, from 01/2019 to 03/2019 it works fine an on the solarpanel side from the controller are up to 45 V, on the ouside up to 14,4 V, all fine.

A few dys before the controller works and loads the batteries, but at i think 11 oclock the Volage on the solar panel side goes doen to 12,5V to 12,90 V, later ich checkt the V from the panels and the have 37V, when ich remove the solarpanelcable from trhe controller its still 12,5 - 12,9 V.

Is the Controller damage? The Panels looks good, when i load the batteries with the Blue Smart IP22 12V 30A loader all is fine (loading up to 14,4 V) the BMC shows 100%.

I tested the batteries they also ok.

best regards


MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hello Torsten. You could likely consider that "12.5V to 12.9V" as backfeed from the batts. Charged and ready to accept pv input. Your panels may look good, but I'd look harder at them and their wiring. The bare wires from the panel should show a Voc of maybe ~45V in your case, but the 12.xV readings can be ignored, and simply suggest no pv available.

If you're reading this stuff just from your monitor it gets really tough to troubleshoot, but not necessarily impossible.

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erzwodezwo avatar image
erzwodezwo answered ·


the solar panels are installed on my trailer, its on a camping place and i'm not there the last days, but i can look remote on the MPPT Controller, nobody changes anything on the wires or any.

But as i looked this morning the controller starts chargeing yesterday after midday, today its works normal, the input voltage shows up to 41,7V (the panels are serial wired) and the amphers also normal.

It looks like that the controller disables the input side from the panels temorary, i dont now why, i orderd an new controller and will send the old one back.

A week or two before the controller stops Bluetooth working and i must remove the cables from the batteries to get him work again.

I think it can be that he has Softwareproblems and so i will change them.

best regards


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