
jmbpac avatar image
jmbpac asked

Quattro won’t turn on at all

Quattro is connected to AC shore power on AC 1, and 120v certified at Line 1 terminals on Quattro. Laptop plugged in to the dongle and can’t see the Quattro. I tried switching Line and Neutral but still can’t get a green light with rocker “on” or “charge only.”

Thoughts?? Thanks

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
jm0278 avatar image
jm0278 answered ·

Had a similar issue. Turned out that despite the physical switch being on, I also needed to turn it "on" using the Victron Connect software. Very disconcerting with a new install, but easily rectified.

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jmbpac avatar image
jmbpac answered ·

The rest of the story:

I was connecting the shore power to AC in #2 since I was going to connect a genset to AC in #1. The answer is to simply not connect the genset on first start-up and go direct with shore power into AC in #1.

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