
chafre avatar image
chafre asked

Hello, with a MPPT Bluesolar or Smartsolar When the batteries are fully charged or goes the production of solar panels, can it be converted by a multiplus in AC 230V for the consumption of loads?

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Assuming no external AC, multiplus will take full input from the battery/charger system. So yes, power from the panels will be driving the multiplus, supplemented by the battery if needed.

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chafre avatar image chafre commented ·

If there is a 230 AC external current, which I have an output load consumption of the multiplus2 and that the batteries are full or goes the current of the panels issued by the MPPT Bluesolar or SmartSolar? Can not we prioritize the energy of the panels for loads of charges before taking energy on the AC external ?

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sharpener avatar image sharpener chafre commented ·

My understanding from previous answers is that if set up correctly the MP will in priority order

  1. supply the connected loads
  2. charge the batteries
  3. export any remaining surplus

In order for this to work without an external meter or current transformer all the loads must be connected to AC-Out


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chafre avatar image chafre sharpener commented ·

For prioritization, will the multiplus make the energy differential between the battery and the MPPT Bluesolar or SmartSolar connected sets on the 48 VDC thanks to the VE.Direct?

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sharpener avatar image sharpener chafre commented ·

Yes I belive that is what happens. If the grid is connected then any Smart/BlueSolar output that is not required is exported.

If the grid is not connected then the Multi will first use the Smart/BlueSolar output to drive the loads and second to charge the battery. If there is too much and the battery is full the Multi will reduce the output of the Smart/BlueSolar to balance the load. If there is not enough, the battery is used to drive the inverter.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Ess assistant is what you are looking for, through the GX device you can configure all the features you describe.

If your PV is sufficiently sized your entire AC loads can be supported by solar. fYI the 108W from grid is because we are not allowed to feedback so we are preventing it by drawing some from grid.


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