
wudycool avatar image
wudycool asked

quattro 8000 no multi phase regulation

Hello, i am confused. 2-3 years ago i had my quatro 8k feeding in my solar power. then i changed the set up. now in my new house i took it back out off my storage.

I thought i could easyly configure the quattro to do a multi phase regulation. nothing is working :D

so first i only see vde-ar-n-4105:2011-08, external ns protection.

my stuff :
cerbo gx frimware 2.73

quatro 8k firmware 494

charger is the old 150/70 can bus firmware 2.05

and self made 15kwh lfe battery.

gridmeter is em24

funny thing is when i swith the quatro on, i takes 50-80 watts from the ac....

if i disconect ac the inverter works fine... so i belive nothing is broken in the storege time...

can some one tell me how i can use it? i set the max feed in to 2050w( i dont want to use more power...) and but nothing is happening...

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Is this US, European or?

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wudycool avatar image wudycool kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
The quatro is based in EU->germany.
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3 Answers
wudycool avatar image
wudycool answered ·

any ideas?

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wudycool avatar image
wudycool answered ·

okay, since the 8000 has a 100a transferswitch i connected ac out 1 to my house to l1 and grid to ac in.

so at least l1 is totaly compansated. and power assist works for high loads as well. this is fine okish.

but still i like to know why it does not work any more since fw update?

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wudycool avatar image
wudycool answered ·

Okay thank you all for you great work (thanks to me as well since i found the problem...)
update cerbo gx to 2.84 -> and it works.
i presume quattro v494 does not like cerbo gx v2.73 or cerbo gx v2.73 does not like quattro v494, something like that...

at least now i am happy :D

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