
curtis27 avatar image
curtis27 asked

15kWp Array connected to MULTIPLUS II 5KVA

Dear Colleagues

I was provided with a system design for a 15kWp solar array that is connected to a single MULTIPLUS II 5KVA inverter.

Will the 15kW of power cause damage to the 5kW inverter?



dc system
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

This is an 7.8kW array with a Multiplus-II 5kVA and you can see it feeds the current loads as well as charge the battery at a healthy speed. If the batteries are charged, the ESS (MPPTs) limit the output accordingly. Ultimately a larger Multiplus-II will take the 5kVA's place, but that will only be if they are G99 certified. Naturally this goes hand-in-hand with the advice you have already received.


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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

If the solar panel connects to the battery bank, you should be OK with the proper solar charge controller as long as the system does not exceed the battery bank's maximum charging power.

If the solar array connects to a PV inverter, that device should regulate to the design AC voltage. The loads will take as much power as they need. There is no way to force a load to take additional power.

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David avatar image
David answered ·

Entirely depends how it’s connected.

Ac in = fine

Ac out = not fine

Dc = fine

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

You can only have a MAX of 5kw connected to AC1 out - this is the one to one rule

So as David says it depends on how and whats connected

so if the solar is grid tie connection then 5Kw max on the AC1 out and as much as you like on AC1 In (then if its ac 1 out it also has to be setup correctly)

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