
raphael avatar image
raphael asked

Victron EV Charging Station: communication over LAN or VE.Direct?

Inside the new Victron EV Charging Station, I noticed a port that looks like VE.Direct.
Will this port be usable with a GX device via VE.Direct?

vedirect-wifi.pngWIFI antenna on the left, VE.Direct port on the right.

I took the screenshot from the Victron youtube video:

It would be nice to see a Ethernet port to communicate over RJ45 in the next revision.

vedirect-wifi.png (5.9 MiB)
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
That port, J11, is the programming header for the ESP microcontroller (the chip with the antenna connected to it). It is used to flash the initial firmware after final assembly. You can just about see "PROG" written above it.

There is no VE.Direct on that unit.
I'm pretty sure that ESP microcontroller does not have an Ethernet PHY on it, so that is why there is no wired Ethernet port.

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raphael avatar image raphael wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks a lot for your answer!

Ich still hope, that they improve it in a later version...but time will tell.

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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Raphael,

I doubt this is a VE.Direct port. If so, the port would have been somewhere on the case.

And it is not mentioned in the data sheet:

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melchior-sohilait avatar image
melchior-sohilait answered ·

Hi @Raphael,

Could it be the antenna for the RFid reader ?

If you look in the movie on 3.42, you could see a RFid symbol on the oudside right.

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