
asimko avatar image
asimko asked

MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 limit PV power problem


I have a 3 phase setup with actual firmware on all devices, with this configuration:

3x MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32

2xSmartSolar Charger MPPT 150/60

Color Control GX

with 400Ah hopecke batteries.

And have 2 arrays of PV around 2500Wp, but the problem is that I have never seen from PV more than 1300W. I have set limit in ESS to 2200W because of batteries, but is this the problem? Even if I change the value to higher number, I cannot get from PV more.

Where should I look next?

Thank you for any answer!

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

There are so many different causes

If you switch off one mppt does the other one then pick up and produce more?

What are the atmospheric conditions and temperatures?

How are the panles configured? What does Victron connct say about the panel voltages?

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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Consider limiting the charge current in DVCC as opposed to limiting the inverter output if you are concerned. What are the charge settings in the MPPT? Are they in a smartnetwork setup? Personally I will start with the very basics e.g. string voltages, voltage drop, check shading or dirt if accessible etc. As Alexandre suggests a multitude of possibilities.

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asimko avatar image asimko commented ·
Thank you, I checked everything and I had limits set on MPPT because of earlier configuration. No it is ok.
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