
platypus avatar image
platypus asked

Can I use a MIDI fuse meant for 48V products for a 12V circuit?

I'm looking to protect a 12v circuit with a midi fuse meant for 48v. Is there any harm in doing so?

I bought two of these midi fuse holders and two of these midi fuses.

I'm planning on using them in the parts circled in red in my 12v circuit.

I noticed the midi fuses are described as:

MIDI-fuse 30A/58V for 48V products (1 pc)

Would it be a problem to use it in my circuit?

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Yes, it will be fine to use a fuse at any Voltage below the maximum rated capacity.
That fuse is rated for 58V, so on a 12V system you are well within the specifications.

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Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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