
paul-tunnicliffe avatar image
paul-tunnicliffe asked

Multiplus not charging

The Multiplus is showing a float charge status for the battery bank but the bank is partially discharged at 88%. The solar mppts are new and charging the battery bank. The shore power is a pass through to the AC demand but seemingly no connection through the unit. I have tried the inverter and it works. Just not charging. Any ideas welcomed. 4dacb46f-4c46-4861-b0ad-834c45c588b0.jpeg

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1 Answer
David avatar image
David answered ·

Suggestion to try ... turn Multiplus OFF (either physically on switch or via Remote Console) and then turn back to ON. See if it switches back to Bulk mode and then Absorption.

I see the Multiplus in Float mode when it should be in Bulk or at least Absorption sometimes. I have not got to the bottom of WHY it does it, but doing as suggested in the first paragraph usually gets it back on track for the current session.

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