
joachim-asmussen avatar image
joachim-asmussen asked

BMV 712 s bluetooth connection problem

After the winter, I tried for the first time in months to connect my iphone via bluetooth to my MPPT 100/50 and my BMV 712 s. The units were visible in the Victron app, I could connect the MPPT but not the BMV. The app requested a bluetooth connect code which should be shown om my BMV unit. Nothing was shown there. I punched my PIN in, but that did not help. Restarted my phone, eliminated the unit from the list and tried the entire process again with the same result. I then ignored the app and used the unit manually, which worked ok. Any Ideas how to solve the bluetooth problem? Should I disconnect the power from the unit ?

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The default PIN is 000000 (six zero) if that doesn't work try to reset the PIN with the PUK code. The PUK is on a sticker on the back of the BMV.

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