
johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith asked

Questioning Victron Wiring Diagram with AGM/SLA Batteries and Lynx Distributer 48V series

I notice in the wiring diagram for the Lynx Distributer, if using it for connecting batteries in, there are no fuses at the battery terminals and you are relying on the fuses in the Lynx distributer which could be a fair distance from the batteries offering no protection to the cable between the batteries and the Lynx Distributer.

I will be using 3 banks in parallel of 4 x 12V 130Ah Batteries.

Is this an oversight in the wiring diagram or is there an explanation why AGM/SLA batteries would not need to be individually fused at the postive terminal?

wiring diagram
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Johnsmith

The need for extra fuses at or near to the battery terminals depends on the distance from the batteries to the Lynx distributor, local rules, and the installers assessment of the risks.

I have seen installations where the Lynx is located directly affixed to a battery cabinet, providing very short and safely confined battery wires and then the rest of the system further away from there.

As long as there is sufficient physical protection to the battery wiring, this is safe.

If there is a longer, unprotected wiring run from batteries to the distributor in an installation, the installer or system designer may decide to add additional circuit protection closer to the battery terminals.

Depending on how you're wiring your batteries in parallel, that may require additional protection again, specific to that configuration. For example they could be run as even strings to the distributor, or in parallel on the battery side to some take off terminals and then that run to the distributor. That may have an additional implication of the circuit protection and wire size selection.

While not always physically possible, it's nearly always preferable to use larger Ah cell batteries, than batteries wired in parallel to avoid this, and other complications.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Johnsmith

A lot of Victron diagrams are kept simple to get the basics across. There's a range of 'final install' schematics on the website that are good examples of what an installer might do. Here's one that uses battery fuses external to the Lynx..

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