
thortof avatar image
thortof asked

Victron Charger and Lithium batteriers

Hallo there

Will this Victron charger, see foto (I cant find the model name) be able to charge on Lithium Batteries?

It has a 4 stage charging cyclus but I dont know if that is enough

and do anybody know the model name for this Charger

Best regards



img-2462.jpg (2.8 MiB)
img-2463.jpg (3.8 MiB)
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


I think it is a Victron Blue Power GX IP20 charger, which is quite old and outdated. It has a fixed absorption voltage of 14.4V, a float voltage of 14V and 13.2V storage, thus not qualifying for Lithiums.


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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
I am a bit surprised that it does not have a product label and serial on it, even for something old?
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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ ejrossouw commented ·

I have no idea how Victron practiced it back then.

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thortof avatar image
thortof answered ·

Hi Stefanie thx for fast answer, no it is from 2010 or something, did not think it would be able to charge Lithium, but it was worth a try,

Do you Or anybody else know if ur can put a dc/dc Orion in between th old GX IP 20 charger and the Lithium batterie, same as you would but in between a Generator and a lithium?

If I needed a new charger would the IP22 be the one

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It could work with a Orion Tr-Smart 18A in between, but since you need shore power anyway, I think the easiest solution is to replace it with the IP22 successor. There is one which also has 3 outputs and 30A.
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