
johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith asked

Multiplus II GX - Updated hardware and Lynx Shunt ~Ve.can

Please read the following carefully.

Multiplus II GX with updated hardware enabling Ve.Can and BMS on both ports.

1. How to identify the Updated Hardware models of the Multiplus II GX 48/3000 , as our distributer is still waiting for an answer of Victron.

2. Will the current firmware support the selection of the dual use of the Ve.Can ports for selecting Ve.
Can or BMS for both ports.

3. Will the selection allow you to only nominate the 2 Ve.Can ports as Ve.Can or BMS?


Will you be able to nominate 1 port as Ve.Can and 1 port as BMS?

4. Now that the hardware has been updated to support the Ve.Can on the 2 ports, can I use the Lynx Shunt with the Multiplus II GX using one of the assigned Ve.Can ports.

People please don't quote me from the documentation as this is just to inform people of the mis-labelling of the ports and doesn't resolve my questions above.

Hopefully a Victron technician will answer this question understanding exactly what I am asking as they know there was a problem with the original hardware in the Multiplus II GX and this is why the ports were assigned as BMS only until the new hardware is released in the Multiplus II GX.

Again if you have any ideas of the batch numbers of the Multiplus II GX with the updated hardware could you please post a link. I currently have Multiplus II GX units waiting with my UK distributer but they won't send them out to me until they get the answer from Victron Netherlands, which seems to be taking some time.


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3 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Johnsmith ,

here is where we document how to recognise per what serial number the CAN port on our EasySolar-II and MultiPlus-II models has been upgraded from a BMS-Can port to a full features VE.Can port:

See the last note in the list at the bottom.

Per Venus OS v2.84 you can use the port as such.

Yes its a choice: CAN-bms function; 500kbps. Or VE.Can, 250kbps.

Lynx Smart needs VE.Can.

Note that there are two RJ45 sockets on the product (to allow for daisy chain) but its really 1 interface port.

Have a good weekend, Matthijs

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johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith answered ·


Thank you for the link you have given in your reply but it has no mention of the Serials or Batch Numbers or Hardware visions to identify which Multiplus II GX models have the new supporting hardware for the Ve.Can. ports.

Myself and my Victron Distributer have both read this document many times and there is no mention of what we have asked for.

Am I missing something? or did you post the incorrect link?

This now leaves us guessing whether when we open the box of a $1000 unit it may or may not have the Ve.Can ports depending on whether new new stock has filtered through yet into the Warehouses.

We are again no further on with this...

You must have a list of serials or batches that allow myself and my Distributer to identify what they actually have before sending units to customers that are basically redundant and serve no purpose if they don't have the upgraded hardware.


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It is the last note in the list at the bottom,


That 'HQ2124' for the MultiPlus-II GX 48V 3kVA is a prefix to the product serial number that indicates it was manufactured on the 24th week of 2021. So a MultiPlus-II GX 48V 3kVA product serial number with a prefix higher than that is sufficient (e.g HQ2135 or HQ2201)

The serial number is listed on the outside the closed box on a white sticker, starting with HQ. You do not need to open the box.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Careful: that HQ is for the model mentioned there. Not other MP-II GX models
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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
an important detail edited to add :)
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johnsmith avatar image johnsmith Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

For the VICTRON community, to summarise the correct answer is -

Multiplus II GX 48/3000 ONLY = SERIAL STARING WITH HQ2124 OR AFTER ("HQ21"=year 2021, "24" is the production week)

EASYSOLAR II GX 24/3000 ONLY = SERIAL STARING WITH HQ2203 OR AFTER ("HQ22"=year 2022, "03" is the production week)


Use the above serial number as an example of an EASYSOLAR II GX 48/3000 without the Ve.Can ports and is BMS only, EVEN IF the ports are labelled VE.Can. they are still only BMS and WILL NOT WORK WITH Ve.Can protocol.

In the above example the serial is HQ2050 which means Year of production 2020 and week of production week 50.

PLEASE NOTE THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE and the updated hardware is currently at the time of writing 19/03/2022 only applicable to models

EASYSOLAR II GX 24/3000 and Multiplus II GX 48/3000.

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johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith answered ·

Received new stock today from Netherlands of Multiplus II 48/3000. Showing Q2137. 23-03-2022

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