
nedim666 avatar image
nedim666 asked

MPPT 150/35 custom output voltages?

Hi, I saw on a video someone using the app that you can select custom output voltage.
Can you specify 60v? higher than 100V? I only need 11 amps at any voltage for my purpose.
Anyone know what is the max the unit can put out?
I emailed victron, they said talk to a dealer.
Thanks in advance

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

TO my knowledge, the typical MPPT units only work on 12-48V systems; however, this is a fixed range, i.e., the MPPT is configured for 12, 24, or 48. 48V systems can operate over 60V. I routinely see mine charging in the 61V range due to temperature compensation.

You can download Victron Connect and enter DEMO mode. Select the desired hardware, and you can see the settings and what's permitted.

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cyriaque avatar image
cyriaque answered ·

On a 150/45 MPPT, voltage battery can be select for 12, 24, 36 and 48V. When set to 48V, output high voltage commutations can be set at a maximum of 69,56V. Lowest voltage commutation is 36V.

If you want a constant 61V, not sure you could achieve it as the commutations depends on battery level from what i understand.

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nedim666 avatar image nedim666 commented ·
if you look at your app for battery voltage setting, do you see a custom option other than the 12,24,36,48V?
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nedim666 avatar image
nedim666 answered ·

@snoobler I tried the demo app, I don't think it is fully functional.
I was told by multiple people that it can handle 60V output, and thought I've seen in video one can actually put in a custom value.
Demo only has choices upto 48V, though didn't see a custom parameter to change.

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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·
You are selecting the system voltage.

charge voltage is determined by absorption charge settings.

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