
olliger avatar image
olliger asked

MPPT Solar Charger 100/50 - Avoiding to destroy the charger

Hi guys,

I'm new into those topics and got a simple question.

I saw in the manual that I should connect the charger first to the battery and than to the solar panels. And for disconnecting I should use the opposite way.

But if I want to open up the breaker/fuse (between battery and charger ) because I don't want to have current going to the battery or the bms maybe shut down the battery - there will be a charger without a battery but with solar panels. That doesn't fit with the manual.

My question: will it destroy the charger or is it more a recommendation to disconnect the solar panels first?

Looking forward to your opinion.

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You should always have the battery connected except for maintenance or of course in a fault condition when the need for battery disconnection is more important.
If the battery is disconnected and it is night time, the MPPT has no power to continue its operations and if the morning comes it would reset when powered by solar and possibly not detect the battery Voltage correctly and cause the wrong system battery Voltage to be selected.
Connecting that battery first enables correct battery Voltage selection.

A better, more elegant way to interact with BMS is to use the disable charger function, but if the VE.Direct port is not free for that then you can disconnect the PV to prevent further charging.

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olliger avatar image olliger commented ·
Thanks for your answer. Now I understand the reasons - that helps a lot!
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