
bajojoba avatar image
bajojoba asked

Blue Smart IP22 Charger with multiple outputs

Is my understanding correct that the 3 outputs separate the connected batteries, but charge them all with the same profile? So what to do when having anAGM as starter battery and a LiFePo4 as service battery?

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3 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


afaik the 3 outputs share the same ground. So you must ensure that your starter battery has the same ground as the the Lithium.

And yes, the batteries will charge with the profile you set with VictronConnect.

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bajojoba avatar image
bajojoba answered ·

Same ground is OK, However, AGM need some 14.7V to be fully charged, while LiFePo4 should not get more than 14.4V. Not sure what the LiFePo BMS will do in case of overvoltage - stop charging or limit charge curren?

And if one should rely on the BMS, why do we need a specific LiFePo4 charging profile (which is not so much diferent from Pb-Gel batteries)?

Any suggestion?

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You would always set the charging profile to Lithium in that case to prevent an over voltage situation for your lithium battery.

However, in case of an over voltage event the BMS must stop the the charger from charging, which would also stop charging your AGM.

And your last question: so that the lithium battery does not come close to being in an overvoltage situation at all. The BMS should only secure the extreme case and not ensure that the charging profile works adequately.

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drlbradley avatar image
drlbradley answered ·

you're going to need two charging devices - one for each battery chemistry each with its own charge profile.

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